00:18Enables you to have clear hands-free calls while driving.
01:38Enables you to have clear hands-free calls while driving
01:25Enables you to have clear hands-free calls while driving
01:29音声制御。1キーをアクティブにsiriやgoogleアシスタントあなたのphone. ちょうど今かけるにこのbluetoothカーキット話す。
01:22Voice Control. One key to activate Siri or Google Assistant of your phone. Just speak to this Bluetooth car kit to make calls now.
01:29Voice Control. One key to activate Siri or Google Assistant of your phone. Just speak to this Bluetooth car kit to make calls now.
00:17Voice Control. One key to activate Siri or Google Assistant of your phone. Just speak to this Bluetooth car kit to make calls now.